R-HEED SYSTEM The ultimate principle of this unit is electron beam that is accelerated to the surface of the sample angling shallow (about 2degree) is irradiated and observed for the diffraction image of the high-energy reflection-electron beam. As the result, it its possible to use for the analysis for the surface crystal structure or observations for the crystal growth of the surface crystal structures etc, and besides, this system can be use for the film thickness control. Various dates can be analyzed by the combination with Processing Assistant System in Analysis.
Description Reference * R-Heed Complete System RHEED 302P-COMPLETE (Including 30kV Gun / 30kV Power Supply / 6·View Port / 6·VP Shutter / 101mm dia. Screen) *30 kV R-Heed Gun RHEED302P-G *30 kV Power Supply RHEED302P-PS *6"Screen Shutter unit (Screen + Shutter) RHEED152-SSU *6"Screen Flange unit (Screen + Flange) RHEED152-SFU *101 mm dia. R-Heed Screen (For 6Flange) RFEED101SC *6"Flange VP Shutter SF-152 *6"Screen Guide Flange SGA-152 *6"Flange View Port ( Kovar Glass) VP152A *The specification is occasionally changed without a previous notice for the improvement. 20kV type RHEED is producted. Please ask us furher information. |
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